VDV-Real Time Data Interface

Real Time Data Interface – VDV Recommendation 453

  • Connection protection
    Reference data service for transfer protection (REF-CP)
    Process data service for transfer protection (CP)
  • Dynamic passenger information
    Reference data service for passenger information (REF-DPI)
    Process data service for passenger information (DPI)
  • VIS Visualisation
  • GM General message service

Real Time Data Interface – VDV Recommendation 454

  • Schedule Information
    Reference data service for timetable information (REF-SIS)
    Process data service for timetable information (SIS)

The VDV recommendations with the common title "Real Time Data Interface" - the above mentioned numbers 453 and 454 as well as 459 "Real Time Data Interface for Demand-Controlled Transport" (only in German) make use of the standard CEN/TS 15531 'Service Interface for Real Time Information (SIRI)'. They represent the subset of the CEN standard to be used in Germany.

From the different communication methods described in SIRI in VDV 453 the communication method "publish/subscribe" is chosen for the use in the VDV-context.

Furthermore the VDV recommendations reduce the number of optional data elements described in SIRI to a well defined selection, which has proven its efficiency in numerous real time projects in Germany and neighbouring countries.
SIRI is a CEN standard since 11.2006


Reference for the implementation of services is the latest XML-Schema, which contains all the services of VDV453 and also the services of VDV454. The recommendation documents have to be viewed as explanation only: If there should be a contradiction between the document and the XSD, the appropriate description is in the XSD.
The time being, it exist only a german version of the XML-Schema. For this reason the definitions in the documents have the german xml-tag in brackets, in order to see the connection between this translated document and the xsd file.

Please address your information needs as well as comments and proposals for enhancements to:
Dipl.-Kfm. W. Bruns

Claus Dohmen

Ihr Ansprechpartner

0221 57979-135

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